Всем привет! А вот и от меня несколько слов о знакомстве с Андреем. Осенью поступило предложение попробовать новый для меня продукт — конструктор сайтов. Если честно, времени и желания погружаться в создание сайта совсем не было — конец сезона и куча съёмок на отдачу, а предыдущий опыт не давал покоя и подсказывал, что будет всё сложно, но я всё-таки решился, и, «О, боги!», мы сделали это практически за вечер! Андрей, спасибо огромное за терпение, за помощь, за практически мгновенную тех. поддержку!
Hi all! And here are a few words from me about meeting Andrei. In autumn, I received an offer to try a new product for me — a website builder. To be honest, there was no time and desire to dive into the creation of the site at all — the end of the season and a lot of filming for the return, and the previous experience haunted and suggested that everything would be difficult, but I still decided, and, «Oh, gods!» We did it almost overnight! Andrey, thank you very much for your patience, for your help, for the almost instant tech. support!
Hi all! And here are a few words from me about meeting Andrei. In autumn, I received an offer to try a new product for me — a website builder. To be honest, there was no time and desire to dive into the creation of the site at all — the end of the season and a lot of filming for the return, and the previous experience haunted and suggested that everything would be difficult, but I still decided, and, «Oh, gods!» We did it almost overnight! Andrey, thank you very much for your patience, for your help, for the almost instant tech. support!